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2017年12月11日14:23 来源:小站整理
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摘要:当当当当,2018年最新的雅思口语真题预测,并配上最火热的口语高分答案。虽然常常受到冷待,但是在雅思考官的心目中,part1可是意义重大哟, 本文话题:watch(手表),共5个真题配范文!注意真题之间的答案是相对独立的。烤鸭,加油!





watch 相关参考题目

1.Did you wear a watch when you were a child?

2.Do you think children should wear a watch? Why/Why not?

3.Can you think of one reason why some people like to wear expensive watches?

4.How do you travel from your home to work? How long does the journey normally takes?

5.What do you usually do while travelling?

I don’t clearly remember wearing a watch while growing up on daily basis. However, whenever those fancy watches used to come around, I have always tried them. Sadly they did not work out for a long time, but it was always fun to have them. But, as I reached by Intermediate College I did start wearing watches on a regular basis.

In my opinion, a child should wear a watch because it teaches the importance of time. Since it is ticking almost everytime on your hand, one subconsciously becomes aware of time passing by and understands the importance of it.

One of the main reason could be that they themselves are rich, so surely one would like to go for expensive things in their bucket! Most of the people do it as a reward for achieving something… There are many who take them in a traditional way. So, a watch is something that passes on to generations. Having an expensive one adds on to it. Even some people go for the handmade watches. Well, few do it to save the handcraft others do it because it is more personalised and so more close to heart.

I am a pedestrian so I commute by walking from home to work. Well, it is also because my office is very close to my house so using anything else does not make sense. Mostly I go with my friend to the office and the journey is all about talking things here and there.

I love taking pictures so whenever I travel, I am mostly taking pictures and listening to music. If it is a road trip to a place I prefer collecting the local stuff that symbolises the importance of the place.




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