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2023年10月16日15:20 来源:小站整理
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Reading is something that people often recommend to improve our knowledge and skills. And it's true that reading has a lot of benefits, but at the same time, it also has some disadvantages.

Firstly, I want to talk about the benefits of reading. On the one hand, reading is very convenient. We can read anytime and anywhere, whether it's on the bus or train, or even on our lunch break at work. And because of e-books, we no longer need to carry around a heavy backpack full of books. On the other hand, reading can help us waste less paper. Nowadays, we can download digital versions of books, which means we don't need to cut down trees for paper anymore.

However, there are also some disadvantages of reading. The first one is that reading for too long can be harmful to our eyes. If we read too much, it can cause eye strain and headaches. The second disadvantage is that it can make us feel isolated from the real world. When we read a book, we are entering a different world and may lose track of time, which can make us feel tired and alone.

Personally, I think reading is a great thing overall, as long as we use it in the right way. For example, we can read shorter chapters or books that interest us to avoid eye strain and isolation. Plus, reading can help us improve our vocabulary and grammar skills, which is always a plus for language learners like me.

In conclusion, while reading has its disadvantages, such as eye strain and isolation from the real world, I believe that the benefits far outweigh these disadvantages. As long as we use it in the right way and balance it with other activities, reading can be a very rewarding experience that can help us improve our knowledge and skills.



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