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2024年09月05日10:45 来源:小站整理
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雅思小作文折线图高分范文 题目概述: The line graph below shows the percentage of people in five European countries who used public transport to commute to work between 2010 and 2020. 范文: The line graph provides a clear overview of the trends in the percentage of individuals relying on public transportation for their daily commute to work in five European countries over a decade, spanning from 2010 to 2020. The countries depicted are France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom, each exhibiting distinct patterns of change in this regard. At the outset, it is evident that all five nations began the period with varying levels of public transport usage. France and Germany stand out as the initial leaders, with approximately 40% and 35% of commuters respectively opting for public transport in 2010. Conversely, Italy and Spain lagged behind, recording percentages of around 25% and 20% respectively, while the United Kingdom occupied an intermediate position, with roughly 30% of its workforce utilizing public transportation. Throughout the decade, a mixed picture emerges in terms of the direction and magnitude of change. France experiences a modest yet steady increase, climbing from 40% to approximately 45% by 2020. Similarly, the United Kingdom registers a gradual upward trend, ending the period with around 35% of commuters using public transport, indicating a slight improvement. In contrast, Germany undergoes a more pronounced transformation, initially maintaining its position but then experiencing a significant decline, dropping to just over 25% by 2020. This reversal of fortune is particularly striking when compared to its initial status as one of the leading nations in public transport usage. Italy and Spain, on the other hand, display contrasting patterns within their own trends. Italy experiences a slight dip initially, falling below 25% in 2015, before embarking on a steady recovery, reaching almost 30% by 2020. Meanwhile, Spain commences with the lowest percentage but witnesses the most dramatic surge, soaring from around 20% to over 40% by the end of the decade, surpassing even France in terms of public transport utilization. The overall picture suggests that while some countries have managed to maintain or even increase their reliance on public transportation, others have faced challenges that have led to a decrease. The significant growth in Spain's public transport usage, in particular, highlights the potential for positive change and the importance of policies that encourage sustainable modes of commuting. In conclusion, this line graph effectively illustrates the dynamic nature of public transport usage across five European countries over the past ten years. The varying trends reflect the unique circumstances and policies of each nation, underscoring the need for ongoing monitoring and adaptation to ensure the continued viability and appeal of public transportation as a mode of commuting.


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