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2023年06月16日10:57 来源:小站整理
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Topic: Some people believe that people should only do things that they enjoy doing, while others think that it is more important to do things that they do not enjoy doing, but need to do. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


People have different opinions when it comes to the importance of doing the things we enjoy versus doing the things we do not enjoy but need to do. While some people believe that individuals should focus only on their passions and interests, others think that it is necessary to sometimes do tasks that are not enjoyable but are necessary. In my opinion, a healthy balance of both is the key to a fulfilling life.

On the one hand, there are strong arguments for the idea that people should focus only on their passions and interests. For one thing, people are more likely to be happy when they are engaged in activities they enjoy. When you focus on the things you love, you are able to give your full concentration and effort, which can result in higher levels of achievement and success. In addition, doing what you love can lead to a more fulfilling career and life.

On the other hand, there are also compelling reasons to do things that we do not enjoy but need to do. For instance, there are certain responsibilities that cannot be ignored, and sometimes these tasks are not enjoyable but are necessary. In such cases, it is important to do what needs to be done. Moreover, sometimes doing things that we do not initially enjoy can lead to personal growth and development, as well as greater self-discipline and resilience.

In my opinion, while it is important to pursue our passions and interests, we should also be willing to do things we do not enjoy but which need doing. Life is not always about doing everything we love, but about finding balance and purpose in all we do. Doing things that are necessary but not enjoyable can teach us valuable lessons, while focusing our attention on what we love gives us the motivation and enjoyment to excel in those areas.

In conclusion, doing the things we love is essential to our happiness and wellbeing, but we must also be willing to do what needs to be done, even if it means putting aside our own interests. Finding the balance between enjoyment and necessity is key to leading a fulfilling and meaningful life.



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