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雅思写作教育类高分范文 | 大学的主要目标是帮助学生就业

2016年06月13日14:32 来源:互联网
参与(2) 阅读(26145)
摘要:本文为大家带来雅思写作高分范文,真题是Many people believe that main aim for university education is help graduates to find a better job, while some people believe that university education has wider benefits for individual and society. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Many people believe that main aim for university education is help graduates to find a better job, while some people believe that university education has wider benefits for individual and society. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.很多人相信大学教育的主要目标是帮助毕业生找到更好的工作,而其他人相信大学教育对个人和社会有更多的益处。请讨论双方的观点并给出你自己的观点。

雅思写作教育类高分范文 | 大学的主要目标是帮助学生就业图1

These days, more and more people are making the choice to go to university. While some people are of the opinion that the only purpose of a university education is to improve job prospects, others think that society and the individual benefit in much broader ways.

It is certainly true that one of the main aims of university is to secure a better job. The majority of people want to improve their future career prospects and attending university is one of the best ways to do this as it increases a person's marketable skills and attractiveness to potential employers. In addition, further education is very expensive for many people so most would not consider it if it would not provide them with a more secure future and a higher standard of living. Thus job prospects are very important.

However, there are other benefits for individuals and society. Firstly, the independence of living away from home is a benefit because it helps the students develop better social skills and improve as a person. A case in point is that many students will have to leave their families, live in halls of residence and meet new friends. As a result, their maturity and confidence will grow, enabling them to live more fulfilling lives. Secondly, society will gain from the contribution that the graduates can make to the economy. We are living in a very competitive world, so countries need educated people in other to compete and prosper.

Therefore, I believe that although a main aim of university education is to get the best job, there are clearly further benefits. If we continue to promote and encourage university attendance, it will lead to a better future for individuals and society.




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