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2017年10月30日18:11 来源:小站整理
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为大家带来10月28日最新雅思写作A类大作文原创范文,本场考试的题目是社会类话题,题目是:Nowadays, people can choose the place they live and work because of the development of communication technology and transport. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages? 随着现代通讯技术和交通的发展,人们能够自主选择自己的居住地和工作地点,这是利大于弊的事吗?请看下文雅思写作大作文范文及详解。





paragraph 1 :结合时代背景引入话题且表明自己的观点。

paragraph 2: 论述自由选择工作场所的优势。(分为在家办公和旅行办公两个层面)

paragraph 3: 论述自由选择住所的好处。(分为住在国内和国外两个层面)

paragraph 4: 总结上文论点,通过让步承认缺点,强调自己的观点。


owing to 归功于…

the advance of …的发展

be granted chances to 被赋予…的机会

relieve from daily commutes 从日常上下班中解放出来

traffic congestion 交通阻塞

rush hours 高峰期

working schedule 工作日程

homeworker 在家工作的人

attend fitness class 参加健身课程

be subjected to 受到,经受…

spark inspiration and creativity 激发灵感和创造性

historical relics 历史遗迹

humanistic environment 人文环境

mountainous areas 山区

coastal city 沿海城市

refreshing and enlightening 使人耳目一新的有启发作用的

not to mention 更不用说

elevate skills 提高技能

feel isolated from the society 感觉和社会脱节

change dwellings 变换住所

boost working efficiency 提高工作效率

enrich people’s life experience 丰富个人经历


As far as I am concerned, this tendency does lead to several desirable results.在我看来,这个趋势产生了一些令人满意的结果

Without…,hardly can… 没有…的话,…是不行的

although there is a concern that 尽管有…的


Owing to the convenience of modern means of transportation and the advance of communication technology, a growing number of people are granted chances to choose their ideal workplaces and residence. As far as I am concerned, this tendency does lead to several desirable results.

The most obvious is that employees can be relieved from daily commutes. The long-distance communication as well as the internet technology provides conditions for staff to work at home, in which case, there is no need to spend hours on the way to offices, and suffer from the traffic congestion in rush hours. Additionally, a flexible working schedule maintains the balance between career and life. Instead of sitting in a certain room, dealing with assignment for fixed time frame, homeworkers can do exercise or attend fitness class in the morning; contact with clients and complete plans for projects in the afternoon. Obviously, under such a circumstance, it is less likely for them to be subjected to huge stress from work, but increase their general satisfaction with life. Furthermore, this working pattern sparks inspiration and creativity especially for writers and designers. Without being immersed in the wonder of nature or deeply appreciating the glamour of historical relics, hardly can they create masterpieces.

Undeniably, residing places people prefer to generate some merits and the first one is to experience diverse landscapes and appealing humanistic environment of other regions. Imagine that how exciting for people from mountainous areas living in a coastal city. Besides, artistic projects such as sculptures, public art and lifestyles of local people enable newcomers to experience something refreshing and enlightening. Not to mention those who live abroad, their foreign language skills can be elevated and horizons of culture can be broadened.

In conclusion, although there is a concern that people may feel isolated from the society and live in an unstable life if working at home for longer period or changing dwellings too often, I firmly believe that this modern way of work and life boost working efficiency and enrich people’s life experience. (338 words)





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