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【双语新闻】英国重葬理查三世 远亲男神卷福现场读诗

2015年03月27日13:07 来源:小站整理
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【双语新闻】英国重葬理查三世 远亲男神卷福现场读诗图1

The reburial Richard III at Leicester Cathedral this morning was watched by millions of TV viewers across the globe。今晨,在全球成千上万电视观众的瞩目下,理查三世重藏于莱斯特大教堂。

The event marks the culmination of a remarkable story ever since the remains of the last Plantagenet monarch of England were discovered by archaeologists under a car park in Leicester city centre。这项仪式标志着英格兰金雀花王朝的最后一名君主非凡传奇的高潮——这名君主被考古学家发现被埋于莱切斯特市中心停车场的下面。

【双语新闻】英国重葬理查三世 远亲男神卷福现场读诗图2

Guests included Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch and fellow actor Robert Lindsay。嘉宾包括扮演夏洛克的影星本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,和演员同行罗伯特·林德森。

【双语新闻】英国重葬理查三世 远亲男神卷福现场读诗图3

Cumberbatch, who is a himself a distant descendent of Richard III read a special poem during the ceremony written by the Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy。康伯巴奇本身就是理查三世的远亲,他在仪式上个朗读了桂冠诗人卡罗尔·安·达菲的一首特别的诗歌。

【双语新闻】英国重葬理查三世 远亲男神卷福现场读诗图4


My bones, scripted in light, upon cold soil,

a human braille. My skull, scarred by a crown,

emptied of history. Describe my soul

as incense, votive, vanishing; your own

the same. Grant me the carving of my name。

These relics, bless. Imagine you re-tie

a broken string and on it thread a cross,

the symbol severed from me when I died。

The end of time – an unknown, unfelt loss –

unless the Resurrection of the Dead …

or I once dreamed of this, your future breath

in prayer for me, lost long, forever found;

or sensed you from the backstage of my death,

as kings glimpse shadows on a battleground。

【双语新闻】英国重葬理查三世 远亲男神卷福现场读诗图5


A scientist has discovered actor Benedict Cumberbatch and King Richard III are cousins。一位科学家发现,演员本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇是理查三世的远亲。

Professor Kevin Schurer has revealed a link between Cumberbatch and the king which makes them third cousins, 16 times removed。教授凯文·席尔透露,康伯巴奇是这位国王的第16代曾堂孙。

In a present-day twist the Sherlock star is set to play the former monarch on screen later his year。在作为当今的一个转折点,这位夏洛克影星晚些时候要在荧幕上出演前君王理查三世。

It is estimated that between one million and 17 million people in the UK are connected, in some way, to Richard , whose remains were discovered buried beneath a council car park in Leicester in 2012.据估计在英国,1700万人中有100万人和理查有血缘关系,理查三世的遗骸在2012年被发现埋在了莱斯特一个委员会停车场的下面。

But Prof Schurer, of Leicester University, said: “He (Cumberbatch) is more direct because he is a third cousin。但是莱斯特大学的席尔教授说:“因为他(康伯巴奇)是第三代堂兄弟,更有直属关系。”

Cumberbatch will play Richard in the upcoming BBC Two drama series ‘The Hollow Crown - King Richard III’。康伯巴奇将在BBC二套即将播出的英剧《空王冠:理查三世》中饰演这位国王。

Prof Schurer traced the line of descent, originating from Edward III - Richard III’s great great grandfather - all the way to Cumberbatch。席尔教授追溯了血统系,从爱德华三世开始到理查三世高曾祖父——一直到康伯巴奇。

Richard III was killed at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485 during the War of the Roses and buried in a church in Leicester, which was later destroyed。理查三世在1485年的波斯沃斯“玫瑰之战”中被杀死,葬入莱斯特教堂,之后被毁坏。



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