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2015年05月07日13:52 来源:小站教育作者:victor
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Ask:What is it like to quit your job, get a backpack and travel the world?

世界这么大,需要多少钱、时间还有勇气为自己的情怀买单;世界这么小,又怎么能轻易地浪费在车轮上?下面是一个土生土长的南京人的回答(答案很长,这是三部分里的第一部分关于准备的,preparation),他的签名是:backpacking the world, on foot.(背包走世界)


Answer:I have been following this question since last June(2014-06), at the time me and my wife were preparing our trip and wanted to gain some insights. Now we have been on the road for almost seven months, it's time to share a bit.

We quit our job last June, sold everything, packed our stuff into two big backpacks. We walked about 1000km in China and 700km in Vietnam until now, and will travel mostly on foot in the next few years.
注:在中国和越南共计走了1700公里,但是已经上路了7个月,貌似走得有点慢。不过他们的目标可是无限期的走下去(sustain our trip indefinitely),拼的是耐力。


Quitting jobs

It was easy to quit our jobs, since we didn't see much of a future in them. But we also don't yet know what kind of careers we should pursue in the future, so we decided to follow the flow, try to find it on the road. We saved a bit of money, but we decided to use as little as possible, since we want to sustain our trip indefinitely. Our budget is now about 8$ per person per day.


Getting rid of things

Since we were going to live on the road, we decided to keep only those things we need. It meant we had to sell most of our stuff, such as the car, furniture, electronic devices, books, clothes, sheets and blankets, kitchen wares, and everything else.

To sell everything is a hassle. You need to prepare in advance about at least 3 months. We made posters and flyers and distributed them around our area. It's quite effective. We were surprised by the number of people coming or calling every day. At the end, everything was gone by the day we left.

We kept about 1/3 of our books, some clothes, 2 laptops and two boxes of other stuff which either has sentimental value or could be helpful for our travel(for example our hiking gears). They are now in my mother-in-law's storage room.



Things we brought with us

Big sturdy backpack x 2 + Daypack x 1      (backpack是旅行用的大背包,daypack就是我们学生党常用的背包了)

Sleeping bag x 2 + Sleeping pad x 2     (睡袋和睡垫,睡垫自然是铺在地上,用于那种野外露宿的情况了。)

Double-walled two person tent x 1  (双层双人帐篷)

MSR Whisperlite international stove x 1 (估计是便携式的炉子)


Cooking pot x 1 + folding cups x 2 + chopsticks x 2 + spoon x 1 + food box x 1(锅,折叠杯,筷勺,食物箱)

Two bags of clothes(they are also used as pillows)(两包衣服,同时做枕头)

iPhones x 2 + GoPro cam x 1 + Sony Rx100 x 1 + USB battery x 2(爱疯2部,相机2部,充电器)

Washing pack + Toiletries(洗漱如厕用品)

Umbrella x 2(雨伞)

Big garbage bag(used as a tarp and to bag everything not used when we camp, very useful to keep things dry and from the rats) x 1 + 10 zipper bags(巨型杂物包,可防水放鼠,拉链包)

A bag of emergency stuff, head light, knife, sewing kits etc.(一包紧急用品,如头灯,刀和针线等)

A Great Journey Begins Here. To be continued......

PS    A comment:  To be honest, I have always heard people complaining about work life balance. Now when I am working, I realized its true. There is a time in life when you want to quit, pack your bags and get lost for some time. But it is very important to have faith on yourself. Believe yourself that you are capable to find a job. Do what you love is what one should follow. If you feel that you are not enjoying what you do then quit, because you are not doing justice to yourself and to the company.(非常好的雅思口语Part2类型答案)



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