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雅思口语过去的旅行 范文

2023年12月04日17:26 来源:小站整理
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摘要:雅思口语过去的旅行 范文


Question: Can you tell me about a trip you took in the past?

Answer: Yes, I can. I recently went on a trip to Europe last year. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget. I traveled through several countries, including France, Italy, Spain, and Greece.

The trip started in Paris, where I spent several days exploring the city. I visited landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame, as well as some of the city's charming neighborhoods. I also took a day trip to Versailles, which was truly breathtaking.

Next, I headed to Italy, where I spent time in Rome and Venice. In Rome, I wandered through the ancient city center, visited the Colosseum, and tried some amazing Italian food. In Venice, I took a boat ride through the canals and marvelled at the city's unique beauty.

After that, I traveled to Spain and visited Madrid and Barcelona. In Madrid, I toured the Prado Museum and saw some of the world's greatest artworks. In Barcelona, I appreciated the city's unique architecture and also visited some Gaudi's famous works, such as the Sagrada Familia.

Finally, I ended my trip in Greece, where I spent time in Athens and Santorini. In Athens, I toured the Parthenon and the Acropolis Museum. In Santorini, I relaxed on the beautiful beaches and took in the island's stunning scenery.

Overall, this trip was an incredible experience that taught me so much about different cultures and ways of life. It was humbling to see how diverse and beautiful the world is. I hope to be able to travel again in the future to explore more of its wonders.



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