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2015年02月27日11:08 来源:小站整理
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2月雅思口语热点难题分析Part 1
雅思口语part 1新题补充及问题答案(汇总)
2月雅思口语热点难题分析Part 2人物类
2月雅思口语热点难题分析Part 2人物类第二弹

这次讲的是一道事件类热点题“描述一次你的堵车经历”。如何描述堵车路况和原因以及心情是这道题的难点。小站名师就在此给出大家针对这个问题的相关part 2&3的答案参考,帮助考生在短时间内客服对新题的准备不足的恐惧。

地点类热点题,新题(part 2&3)

• Describe a time when you had to wait in a traffic jam.

You should say

When it happened?

Where it happened?

How you passed the time while waiting/

And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam

Sample answer:

I really don’t feel like recalling that dreadful memory of being caught in a gridlock. I think the most horrible thing about a heavy traffic jam is that you never know when you can go through it, once you slowed to halt you would have no choice but wait and I can tell you this long hopeless waiting period is desperate cuz you never know the precise time it will start over again like a real freeway. That time I was heading to a friend’s birthday party in Shanghai, to be more precise, the west side of the river. But I was on the east side, so I have to pass a long tunnel to the east. It was a day in the Chinese national holidays so there were more traffics on the road but I didn’t think it would affect the road condition in the tunnel cuz it was 11 at night. But once I got in the tunnel it seemed to be a snail-paced traffic and all the vehicles hardly moved a bit. I thought I could be a car accidence so I kept waiting while sending message to my friends telling them my gridlocked situation. It turned out to be 2 complete hours before the vehicles start to be fluent again, during these 2 hours, I watch a movie on my phone and made 3 phone calls to my fellas explaining the traffic congestion. I have to say that I was really anxious and annoyed when stuck in my car, I think that’s one of the most dreadful experience cuz It makes you feel that you can do nothing to alter the current situation and feel powerless. Moreover, it’s also lame to be stuck in a tiny place for 2 hours without any fresh air down there. When I finally came out the tunnel I realized what was really happening, there was a police car halted along the road while blocking one line of it turning it from a dual channel to a single one, the policemen were checking each driver’s alcohol content by their special device. Then I got furious cuz I don’t think it’s respectful to deprive 2 hours from everyone for the sake of a mere alcohol test, you know, time is precise, besides they could have chosen a better place to do this test not in a already crowed tunnel.


• Do you prefer traveling by car or by bus?

Personally I prefer traveling by bus than car cuz I think the bus will give me a vintage feeling of traveling while I can enjoy a feast of views from its windows. If you travel by bus you will always feel like you are on the way, sometimes you hope that the bus will never stop, putting on your ipod, chatting with strangers , do nothing but looking outside, enjoy being alone. That’s what I think a real solo trip should be made of.

• When it comes to the traffic conditions, what are the differences between China and other countries?

I think the traffic condition in other countries is way better than china, especially in western countries, the roads are always clear and empty. Most of the time, you can only see a handful vehicles going down the street which I rare to see here in china. In the contrary, we have the biggest population in this planet which means we also have a big problem with the traffic congestion. Snail-paced road condition, gridlocks and disordered traffic rules, all of these things make the traffic here a big chaos and headache issue for everyone

• How to avoid being caught by the traffic jam?

I think we have to choose the friendly transportation according to the traffic condition in different period within a day. Say during the rush hour, it’s better to take the metro than car, cuz it’s more time saving and economic. Also, I think healthier ways of traveling should be advocated, say like cycling and walking to ease the burden of an already over-loaded road condition,



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