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【Part2】Describe a person who you wanted to be similar to3

2015年04月27日16:25 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
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摘要:最新雅思口语机经重磅发布!本机经预测的试题为Describe a person who you wanted to be similar to.本文附上了名师撰写的经典范文,仅供各位烤鸭参考。在使用雅思口语机经时,还请您配合雅思口语题库一起多加练习。
You should say

Who this person was
How you knew this person
What impressed you about this person
And explain why you wanted to be similar to this person

【Part2】Describe a person who you wanted to be similar to3图1

Over my teenage years, I always want to be a good leader. I think the stuff a leader should be made of is a high sense of collaboration, a stable and sound personality and the spirit of sacrifice. If I take these 3 properties into consideration, I think there’s only one person need meet this requirement, his name is José Mourinho, one of the best soccer coaches ever. He first masterpiece in the soccer arena was back in 2003, he led FC Porto, a team which is made of promising young minors to the summit of Euro Champion, which is called “the mission impossible” by the fans and soccer world. Mourinho started his career as a translator for the most famous soccer club FC Barcelona. After years of following the team, he learnt a lot about soccer and the mechanism of how to run a football team and how to be a brilliant coach. It’s really hard to believe that a man with such a humble birth could deliver so many miracles to the soccer arena, from 2003,he brought his career to a brand-new stage, leading FC Porto,FC Chelsea, Inter Millano and Real Madrid to the top of the league and achieve 2 times of Euro Champions during the years. Such great success in his coaching career is one of the kind, despite he wasn’t served for professional soccer in his preliminary career stage but an outsider, his later on boost in coaching was even more astonishing.

I first get to know José Mourinho was in year 2004, when he was the coach of FC Chelsea, that year Chelsea was just a second class club in the premier league but after he’s on the coach, everything’s changed, they started the season with an irresistible momentum and took hold of the rest of the competitors. Finally they embraced the champion of the league.

I think the most thing that he impressed he was his way of leading his group When the team fell, he always attribute the failure to his own reason but not anyone of the team to fault. When the team rose up and succeed, his never take it as his own merit but act as if there’s nothing to do with him but only his boys. Moreover, when someone come up and accused his teammates, he will try whatever he can to protect and defend him. All of these aspects are what I think valuable properties of a great leader.

The reason why I want to be similar to him is because I always want to lead a group of people to achieve the common goal of us. In the school, I was also the kind of guy that want others follow my idea and carry out thing good together. But you know, everyone in a team need to be motivated and encouraged by the leader. Such quality and inter-personal skills need a long time to build up. But through learning the way Mourinho leading his team. I don’t think it’s that hard anymore. I’d like to apply his way of being a responsible leader to my life too.



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