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2016年4月雅思口语Part2预测考题及范文--describe a cafe

2016年04月25日15:27 来源:小站整理
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摘要:本文为大家带来2016年4月雅思口语Part2高频考题describe a cafe的两个不同版本的范文,不知道怎么回答这个真题的同学可以趁这个机会赶快来围观一下,相信会对你有所帮助,详情见文章。

下面为大家带来2016年4月口语考试Part 2的一个预测考题,题目是describe a cafe,接下来为大家带来两篇范文,希望能启发大家的思路,创造出属于自己的口语范文,赶快来看一下吧。

2016年4月雅思口语Part2预测考题及范文--describe a cafe图1


Describe a cafe in your hometown(家乡的小餐馆,咖啡店).

You should say:

where it is;

how often you go there;

what kind of food they serve there;

and explain why you like to eat at this place.

Well. Near where I live, there is a cafe called Peninsula, which serves drinks and light refreshments. I go there probably once a week, mainly on weekends.

Actually, it has little to differentiate itself from its local competitors at the first glance. It is, however, the perfect service and a wide selection of tasty food that keep luring me to dine there.

The attentive staff are very impressive. They are well trained and obviously hand-picked. From the time I sit down I’ll have a menu in my hand within 30 seconds no matter how busy they are. And they’ll be back within a minute enquiring whether I would like a drink or a coffee. They areunobtrusive but roam the cafe suggesting coffee refills, providing water unprompted and clearing tables quickly. Everything is extremely efficient but unhurried and relaxed.

Moreover, the food is just as good as the service. Besides the complimentary mini-biscuit and macaroon that come with my coffee, they also, sometimes, provide small free samples of new dishes they are considering introducing. For me this is always exciting and I have never seen any other venue do this.To top it off, the menu is being constantly enhanced and refined every week. So each time I am quite excited to check out the new ones and try them. I should say, most of them taste quite unique and pleasant.

Its success and popularity is probably a combination of a whole lot of reasons. But as for me, good service and free snacks are good enough reasons that keep me going there week after week.


Describe a cafe you often go to

You should say

Where it is

What you do there

How often you go there

And explain what's speical about it

Ok the cafe I’d like to talk about is a cafe in my neighborhood. It’s definitely not the kind of chain store like Starbucks being everywhere around the city, but it’s got its unique style and it’s quite popular among young people.

The cafe is located in the center of the city. It’s on the high floor, so it’s got a good commanding view of the city. Personally I often go there just to enjoy the moment of stillness away from the city bustle in this picturesque shop. To me there’s no better place where I could relax.

The coffee served by the cafe is often savory. I suppose it’d be very hard to find such slow-bred iced coffee elsewhere in this city..I cannot possibly miss its espresso, which is known for being fruity and pairing perfectly with the café’s just-baked pastries...

There are of course many reasons why it managed to attract and retain so many loyal customers...

The coffee itself is perfect. The smell alone will make you go insane as soon as you walk through the door. The barista at the cafe told me once that the cafe sells an average of 500 shots of coffee everyday, so you see..

The cafe looks nice too. Western style, quiet and spacious. There are cute, abstract pictures hanged on the walls and the sofas..I wouldn’t want to leave once I sit in..



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