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2016年04月25日16:08 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(2) 阅读(25090)



1. Do you work or study?

I am currently studying. I am in 11th semester and my major is economics.

2. Where do you study?

I study in the (…university name…). It is one of the best private universities in our country. My major is economics.

3. What is the name of your college/ university?

The name of my university is (…say the full name of your university…). It is more popularly known as (…name that people call it in short…).

4.What subject are you studying?

My major is Economics. I completed my school majoring commerce and studying in Economics was a long dream for me.

5. Which part of the course do you enjoy most?

I enjoy learning new things in every semester. The project works in each semester is the part I enjoy most. These projects enable me to work in a group and hands on the theories I have learn throughout the semester.

6.Why did you choose to study that?

Honestly I did not particularly select this subject. I attended the university admission test in commerce faculty and based on my performance on the exam and interview with the faculty members, I was offered this subject from their end. I wanted to study in commerce faculty and now I feel very lucky that I was offered this major.

7.Is it a difficult subject to study?

In a general sense this subject requires extensive study, research, group works and other academic activities. Things are new and challenging in many cases but I think with passion and dedication it can be conquered. To me it is a difficult yet very enjoyable subject.

8.What is your favourite subject?

Economics without any doubt is my favourite subject. I am very fascinated to discover the connection of this subject in our everyday life and the global economic structure has made it more complex yet more intriguing. I love to explore different theories and researches done on this subjects and how economics are all around us.

9. What kind of school did you go to?

In my early childhood I studied in a local English medium school and then was shifted to a government school by my parents when I was in grade 7. I was in a cantonment college and I have finished my twelve class degree from there. Now I am studying in a large university which is one of the best public universities in my country.

10. What was your favourite subject at school?

Organisational behaviour, microeconomics were my two most favourite subjects so far. These two subjects have built my base and love for the whole course and I still find it fascinating.



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