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9月最新雅思口语P3范文:Describe a mistake you once made

2016年09月21日13:47 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
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摘要:小站雅思频道第一时间为大家带来9月雅思口语变题季p3部分话题范文。本文给大家带来的是Describe a mistake that you once made(犯错的经历)的范文,9月有考试的同学们抓紧来学习啦!

一转眼,雅思口语进入了9-12月的新题季,小站雅思频道第一时间为大家整理出part 3部分范文答案:Describe a mistake that you once made ,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧!

9月最新雅思口语P3范文:Describe a mistake you once made图1

1.What should teachers do when students make mistakes?

Well, firstly, I believe that teachers are wasting their efforts to punish children when they make mistakes. And the best way for teachers to help children correct their wrongness is to make a complete reversal in their minds, and to develop their ability of distinguishing between right and wrong. So except for ideological education, teachers should set good examples for children, and gradually correct their way of thinking.

2.What can people learn from mistakes?

Well, nobody likes making mistakes, but mistakes are an essential part of self improvement. The most useful lesson one can learn through a mistake is how to apologize to others, which is extremely important in maintaining interpersonal relationships. And we can also learn that no one can be a perfectionist, if we are afraid of making mistakes, we will spend most of our lives doing absolutely nothing. There is no harm in making mistakes, and it is an essential part of going forward.

3.Do you often make mistakes?

Yeah, everyone makes mistakes, and some mistakes are even inevitable. Making mistakes is common for me, and I'm never overwhelmed with guilt and regret. Because everytime I learn a lot from mistakes. For example, recently I am preparing for the IELTS. I practised a lot and made many grammatical mistakes, but through analysizing the mistakes and fails, I gradually make improvements and try to do better next time.

4.Can mistakes help people to be more successful?

Sure, I think so. There's an old Chinese saying: A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. All people make mistakes in their lives. From mistakes, people can accumulate their experience and wisdom, which help them achieve success. Conversely, if one is afraid of making mistakes, he will never know his shortcomings and inadequacy, and just stand still.

5.How to avoid making mistakes?

From my point of view, actually I think some mistakes are inevitable, but some careless mistakes can be avoided. Careless mistakes are mistakes that we make and later realize that if we had been paying better attention to our responsibilities, the mistake may not have been made. So in order to avoid stupid mistakes, we need to be careful and cautious,and if necessary, people can keep a log of the mistakes that they make each week, to remind themselves all the time. And another important point is to identify what makes that mistake careless, and write down how you could have avoided making it in the first place.



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