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2017年9-12月雅思口语part3话题全新范文汇总(共54道) 全力更新

2017年9-12月雅思口语part1话题全新范文汇总(共33道) 更新完毕

2017年9-12月雅思口语part2话题全新范文汇总(共54个) 更新完毕






a friend you want to see again 旧友重拾
外国名人famous foreigner who you'd like to meet
a country you‘d like to visit first time初去国家
a cafe that you know in your hometown家乡咖啡馆
Describe a good parent(not yours) you know 好父母
a way to relax that you find effective休闲好方式
a project or some work that you did with others 合作
sb you know who made a wrong decision错误决定
sth you bought that you’re dissatisfied with失望购物
a song that has special meaning to you 特殊的歌
Describe something that made you laugh 让你发笑
a group activity you  took part in团队活动
a maths class you attended at primary school数学课 Describe a happy marriage you know幸福的婚姻
a situation when you had to be polite礼貌的场合
a language (not English) you'd like to learn第二外语
科学课程a science lesson that you took at school a time you went to a crowed place拥挤的地方
Describe your favourite weather 最爱的天气
sb you know who has an interesting job有趣工作
Describe a good law in your country良法
Describe your first mobile phone第一部手机
a time when you saw an interesting animal有趣动物 city you’ve visited that left an impression
Describe a family business you know 家庭产业 a house you have recently visited 参观过的家
something you once forgot to do忘记做的事 an intelligent person you know智慧之人
an antique or old object that your family has kept老物件 sth special you saved money to buy省钱购物
动漫人物a comic actor/cartoon character who is popular a film that you disliked不喜欢的电影
a place you visited to learn about its culture


话题:与朋友的分歧Describe a time that you and your friend had a disagreement.

You should say

When this happened

Who you disagreed with

What you and your friend argued about

And explain if you solved the disagreement.


Ok, well in all honesty, I don’t really have that many disagreements with my friends, because we all get on really well with each other, and you know, we hardly ever argue about stuff, but one time that I do remember was when I had a small disagreement with a friend over whether to take a taxi or subway to the train station.

And uh… I suppose it happened roughly two or three weeks ago. So it was pretty recently, and basically the situation was that I was with a friend of mine having dinner in a restaurant somewhere in the city centre, and we needed to catch a train later that evening from Hongqiao Station, which is in the outskirts of the city.

And my preference was to take the subway there, because I just thought it would be more reliable, and I didn’t wanna have to worry about getting stuck in a traffic jam and missing the train! But my friend thought we should get a cab to the station, cos he didn’t want the hassle of going to the subway station. He just thought it was too much effort.

So we kind of had a small argument about which one to take. And what happened in the end was that I basically gave in, and agreed to take the cab, because to be honest, I couldn’t really be bothered to argue over something so trivial like that for a long time! So yeah, we ended up taking a cab, and I’m glad to say that we did get to the station on time, but only just! So next time I think I’ll be a bit more adamant about taking the subway!


we all get on really well with each other – 我们都相处得非常好

we hardly ever argue about stuff - 我们几乎不吵架

basically the situation was that - 情况基本上就是

hassle - 麻烦

He just thought it was too much effort - 他只觉得太麻烦

I gave in -屈从;让步 If you give in, you agree to do something that you do not want to do.

I couldn’t really be bothered to argue over something so trivial like that for so long – 我不想费心思花很多时间为了那么小的事情吵架。

Bother (to do something) -操心;费力;麻烦 If you do not bother to do something or if you do not bother with it, you do not do it, consider it, or use it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy.

Trivial –琐碎的;不重要的;微不足道的 If you describe something as trivial, you think that it is unimportant and not serious.

Adamant -坚决的;坚定不移的 If someone is adamant about something, they are determined not to change their mind about it.

Other useful phrases:

It wasn’t serious (or anything) – 不严重

We didn’t shout at each other (or anything like that)! – 我们并没有互相大喊大叫

We argued about something which was pretty mundane.

Mundane -普通的;平凡的;单调的 Something that is mundane is very ordinary and not at all interesting or unusual.



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