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8月最新雅思口语P2话题答案:a person who is helpful in your study or work

2017年08月02日16:06 来源:小站整理
参与(2) 阅读(8074)
摘要:8月,与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。​本文口语part2话题:a person who is helpful in your study or work。注意:此话题极大可能将延续到9月的变题中。广大烤鸭,速速开练吧。


8月最新雅思口语P2话题答案:a person who is helpful in your study or work图1


Describe a person who is helpful in your study or work.

You should say:

Who the person is

What kind of person

How this person help you

Why do you think this person is helpful


The person I’d like to talk about is Davy. He helped me a lot when I was studying in the university. Both of us majored in Math, and he was also my classmate.

He was tall, hmm, around 1.79metres. He did know he had some advantages. He joined the school team to play basketball as a forward. I watched several matches he was in, and all of our classmates would root for him. He always got good scores.

Though he’s awesome, in other aspects too, he's really humble, for he never showed off his skills no matter how good he was at it. I quite appreciated that. He had a good command of computer stuff, and to me, it saved my life at some moments. Once I was staying up late for my graduation paper, but I don’t know why somehow my laptop just broke down. I mean, it suddenly turned off, and it must go wrong for I couldn’t start it. I was driven to mad. What if I lost all my files, especially my paper? I have to finish it in a day. Tomorrow is the deadline to hand it in. I felt like it was a doomsday for me. Then, it dawned on me, Davy! Davy is a computer geek. Maybe he can solve it! I couldn’t wait one more second and rang him. Thanks god, he answered the phone. After listening to my “heartbroken” story, he said he would like to help. Then we decided to meet in the library at 6.00, the opening time of the library. With his efforts for almost two hours, my laptop could work again. The luckiest thing was all my files were good. Saying thank you, I grabbed my laptop and rushed back to my dorm to go on. Everything went well, and I handed in my paper in time.

We would always support each other whenever help is needed. I think we are really good friends.



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