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雅思口语题库Part2话题范文:聪明方法(who solved a problem in a clever way)

2017年09月18日16:59 来源:小站整理
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摘要:为烤鸭带来2017年9-12月雅思口语题库最新话题的第一手范文,与口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。本文话题:a person who solved a problem in a clever way。为大家讲述如何解决我每日无法完成的to-do list的故事。关于健身的用词不少,大家可以好好收集。

本文带来雅思口语话题高分范文:聪明的人(a person who solved a problem in a clever way)。内容有关时间管理,我每天都无法完成我的工作,我向同事寻求帮助,他给制定了新的时间管理方法,它帮助我快速有效地解决了时间管理问题。唯有词汇量丰富且用词地道,表达流畅的考生才能赢得考官青睐。口语水平的提高需要一段很长时间积累的过程,所以找对口语范文很关键。学习模仿雅思口语范文要点有3:1.native speaker的地道用词,2.丰富灵活的动词,3.高分句型并熟练背诵之。话不多说,口语范文自取:


雅思口语题库Part2话题范文:聪明方法(who solved a problem in a clever way)图1

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You should say:

Who the person is

When you met the person

What did this person do

And explain why you think the person is clever





until recently, i had an unsolvable problem. Or at least, I was fully convinced that my problem couldn't be solved. I felt demotivated and disappointed as I made lists of tasks for each day but was unable to complete them no matter how hard i tried. I tried to coped with this problem myself. For example, I sorted tasks by priority and I avoided checking my emails or texting my friends, hoping that these strategies would help. No matter what I did I couldn't get all the work done.

I was so upset that I complained about this situation to my colleague. I told him that I had already tried all the time management strategies, but nothings helped. This person gave me a really simple, yet efficient solution to my problem. He advised me to stop making to-do list because I planned much more than I could do. He told me that to-do lists don't work for visual thinkers like me and recommended me to start using a different approach to planning my day. At first, he drew a circular diagram which looked like a clock face. Then he took my long to-do list and asked me to estimate how much time each of the tasks would coonsume. So he transfered the tasks from my to-do list to this task.Every time he shaded a sector for the task. At some point, there were no empty sectors on the first diagram. He drew the second one. And I realised that when I made lists of things to do, it seemed to me I was obliged to do everything on the list by the end of the day. I realised that the problem was not about poor productivity, but my inability to make realisteic plans. He taught me to set achievable goals and avoid planning too many things.

I am convinced this was a clever solution because, first of all, it worked for me and helped me solve my problem fast and efficiently. What's more, it didn't require me to put any extra efforts into solving the problem.


地道用词:approach to

making to-do list

long to-do list

set achievable goals

高分句型:I felt demotivated and disappointed as I made lists of tasks for each day but was unable to complete them no matter how hard i tried.

For example, I sorted tasks by priority and I avoided checking my emails or texting my friends, hoping that these strategies would help.




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