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2018年5月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:崇拜的领袖

2018年04月08日11:29 来源:小站整理
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摘要:5月雅思口语换题季又来啦,来一波雅思口语新题预测刺激一下各位考鸭的小心心。送上雅思口语Part2新题预测之:崇拜的领袖(Describe a leader or politician who you admire)。附参考范文,内容有关 Steve Jobs.

又到了紧张的2018年5月雅思口语变题季,各位考鸭们,你们准备好了吗?小站雅思君特奉上一份口语新题预测为各位壮士送行。本文雅思口语新题预测话题:崇拜的领袖(Describe a leader or politician who you admire)。附有口语参考范文,内容有关:我认为他在历史上是一个非常重要的商业领袖。像过去的许多著名领袖一样,他改变了我们看待事物的方式,通过他的创新和创造力来做事。

2018年5月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:崇拜的领袖图1

崇拜的领袖 Describe a leader or politician who you admire.

You should say:

Who is s/ he?

What is so appealing about him?

What type of leader is he/ she

and explain why do you admire him /her.

雅思口语Part 2范文:崇拜的领袖

主题: Steve Jobs.


I'd like to talk about Steve Jobs. I think he is a very important leader for this time in history. Like many famous leaders in the past he changed the way we see things and do things through his innovation and creativity.

Some people may think he just invented the Apple Mac computer and a phone, but the inventon or device which really changed everything was the iPhone. It made people rethink what a phone could be and should be and as we can now see it has been the catalyst behind much of the smartphone technology and developments since it was first launched. Current smartphone technology now makes online shopping even easier and accessing any kind of information online which has fundamentally transformed our daily bahavior.

Maybe if he hadn't launched the iPhone, someone lese would have done something similar evetually, but he had the vision and the creativiuty to do it first and that always makes a difference. I don't think he planned to become a world influencer or business leader, he simply had a company which innovated something that impacted on the daily lives of many people in a big way.

The qualitites that he had; being an innovator, being able to see things in a different way and conceptualize other ways of doings things, some people would call it being visionary are what impress me most abut him. He changed the way we interact with each other through mobile devices and that has had a tremendous impact on modern life and the other technology developments that have followed on the back of it. The world will never be the same as it was before the iPhone came along.


Do you want to be a leader?

Well. I don’t want to be a leader as being a leader means a lot of pressure. What you do is going to be the focus of others. If you make a wrong move, maybe the whole team is going to fail.

What qualities should a leader have?

A good leader is supposed to have sharp insight. He or she should know when to take actions to compete with his opponents in business.

How do you think we can improve the leaders qualities?

They may take the courses for the leaders. They should learn how to cope with people of different personalities. They should also take the advice from others.

Do you think a leader should be perfect in all fields?

Not necessarily. The most important quality for a leader is the strategy of managing people. He should have the charm of attracting elites from all walks of life.

Why do we need a leader?

A leader is going to give us global views and tell us when to take the right action. As long as we follow their instructions, we are going to succeed.

What can they do?

Leaders are going to make plans for us. allocate the tasks between us. Also. they know what the best solution is for a problem.

Why do some people not want to be leaders?

Well, for me. a leader means a lot of responsibilities. Other people’s future relies on me. I have to be extremely cautious. I don’t want to worry about this all the time.

What is the world going to be like without leaders?

I guess the world is going to be a chaos. People’s life and property cannot be protected. People are not going to have a safe life any longer. Anything can happen to them.

Is the communication skill important to a leader?

This skill is really essential to leader. They are supposed to express their ideas to their employees. They should also have negotiation with leaders of other organizations. That’s why they must have this kind of skill.

Is it important for leaders to take other people’s advice?

They should listen to other people’s advice. but they are going to make the final decision. As long as they believe that their moves are definitely correct. they should do it.

Do you think leaders are the examples of people?

I guess so. A lot of people admire them. and they should set a good example. Common people may want to learn from their experiences.




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