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2018年05月04日19:56 来源:小站整理
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摘要:5-8月的雅思口语新题已出,5-8月有考试的各路考鸭速速归位。小站雅思君以迅雷不及掩耳之势为各位准备好了新话题及参考范文。本期雅思口语part2话题为:Describe a sport you have only watched and you would like to try in the future(观看体育赛事)。友情提示:范文虽好,各位考鸭还需有自己的口语思路及内容哦。

雅思口语变题季来了,考鸭们别慌,小站雅思君为你准备了最新5-8月雅思口语新题,赶紧准备起来吧。本期雅思口语part2话题为:Describe a sport you have only watched and you would like to try in the future(观看体育赛事)。范文仅供参考,各位考鸭还需要根据自己的实际经历来编写自己的口语内容。


Describe a sport you have only watched and you would like to try in the future

You should say

What the sport is

Where you watched it

Why you choose to watch it

And explain why you want to try it later

Are there many people around you play the sport?


Gosh, this topic is hard for me, I don’t really go to many sporting events, and it isn’t especially an interest of mine. However, I can think of one which enticed me to go and watch, I’ll tell you as much as I can about the event, how often it takes places and why it was, to me at least, interesting!

The sporting event I went to was Le Tour de France – except it wasn’t! For one year only the opening stages took place near to where I live in South Yorkshire, but more of that later.

The event is a world famous cycling race. It takes place every year, in a series of stages which are mainly in France, but it does occasionally pass through other countries. I think it started around 1903 and has taken place each year since then – apart from during the two world wars when obviously it was suspended. The cyclists are professional riders, and the tour is gruelling. To be honest, I get very confused about how it is all timed and organised, but I do know that for each stage, the rider who has completed it in the fastest time gets to wear a yellow jersey for the next stage of the tour.

The race has fallen foul of cheating over the years, famously Lance Armstrong who won it some seven times I think was later banned for drug taking. However, more recently cycling has cleaned up its act and gained in popularity. Although I’ve never previously been interested in cycling, some of my friends are, and with such a world famous event happening on my doorstep I wouldn’t have wanted to miss out.

I was really proud to be one of the supporters on what was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see The Tour de France passing through practically on my doorstep (I live in Sheffield).

雅思口语Part 3

Which sports is watched by both young people and the old people in your country?

Are people watching the American balls game in your country, like the baseball

Do you think that there are too many sports programmes in the TV?

Why do you think many companies use the athletes to advertisement?

Do you think instead of watching sports games, many people are too lazy to do

How you feel about the advertising that use the sports stars




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