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Fielding annoying questions from relatives during the holidays is pretty much unavoidable, but one cocky teenager has come up with an inventive solution to silence those annoying relatives by handing them a pamphlet of pre-prepared answers.


When Arianna Simon, a 17-year-old from Rockland, New York, sat down for Thanksgiving last month she proceeded to hand out her carefully printed hand-out which included answers to the boring generic questions that she just wasn't prepared to answer at the dinner table.


The leaflet covered hot topics for the teenager including what college she might attend, if she has a boyfriend and her age.


The three-page pamphlet was entitled 'Frequently asked questions' and included a smiling pic of Arianne looking her best on the front cover.


如果你止不住好奇要问我这些问题, 那我就大发慈悲地把答案给你备好, 我们就能度过一个快乐有爱的节日啦!
上大学: 我还没有决定去哪读大学。 我理想的学校是康涅狄格州立大学。 但是不幸的是, 我得先进的去,他们要求的平均绩点要比我的高一点。 如果我进不去,那我可能会去加拿大阿斯斯科技大学然后转校。
男友: 我现在没有男朋友,不管我妈是怎么告诉你的。
年龄: 我在10月就满17岁了,是的,我知道时光如梭。 我也长高了,这就是成长的必然。
亲戚: 你可能是我的第三位堂兄弟姐妹——但是我真的不记得你了。

Inside was a message explaining the purpose behind the hand-out. 'If you refrain from asking me these questions that I have nicely provided you the answers to, we will have a happy and loving thanksgiving. Thank you,' she wrote.


Arianna then went on to answer the boring questions with a certain amount of sass. For instance in answer to questions about she age she wrote: 'I turned 17 in October.. yes, I know time flies. I have also gotten taller, that happens when you grow up.'


The reaction was so good in fact that she has another handout planned for the dinner table on Christmas Day.


"During the holiday season, most teens get stuck answering the same questions over and over again," she said.


"I realize that some people are genuinely interested in what you have to say, but sometimes I find that these generic questions are just used to fill the silences. I love talking to my family members, but I feel like so much time is wasted while answering repetitive questions."


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