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双语新闻:看《唐顿庄园》入戏太深 中国富豪急求英式管家


Downton Abbey is one of Britain's most successful television dramas.


And it seems the show has even influenced affluent households thousands of miles away in China.


Young Chinese people are paying £140 per day to train as butlers as an increasing number of wealthy families hire help, the People's Daily Online reported.


Students at the International Butler Academy, in Chengdu, are drilled daily on ironing perfect creases into tablecloths, polishing silverware and identifying the correct cutlery to accompany an eight-course banquet.


Tasks also include balancing a platter and placing food on a plate using just a fork and spoon.


Thomas Kaufmann, head instructor at the school, said: 'Downton Abbey is so famous here in China, that is the standard we are measured at.


'In the last few years the demand for butlers has become bigger and bigger. So it is logical for us to have teachers here.'


Mr Hu is one of dozens of students who have enrolled in the school's six-week course, which costs 40,000 yuan (£4,300).


He previously worked for U.S. casino magnate Steve Wynn, where tasks included wiping fingerprints from his phone and picking out particular chocolates from assortment packs.


He said: 'In the whole world there are more and more rich people. And especially in China, they want someone to take care of the smaller things.


'Butlers don't only serve wealthy families, but also multinational bosses. These people are successful. To make these kind of people feel relaxed and happy, I get a sense of achievement.'


小站后评:有钱任性的富豪们真是入戏太深,居然将目光瞄到了执事上。而更令小站菌不解的是,居然还有“管家学院”这样的学校,sounds terrible,壕的世界真是不懂。看着他们一丝不苟的工作样子,弱弱的说,都是处女座吗?

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