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2016年03月22日13:20 来源:小站整理
参与(3) 阅读(23631)





some people think health care should be free for everyone, while others think they should pay medical costs for themselves.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.



Sample answer:

Introduction (背景句+转述题目+个人观点)

Economists state that providing healthcare is good public policy as it is thehumane (adj. 仁慈的;人道的) thing to do and in the long run, it will be cost effective (划算的). It is evident that proper health care is imperative (adj. 必要的;不可避免的) to implement (vt. 实施), but the issue arises when we have to decide if whether it should be free or not. In my opinion, everyone should receive at least basic health care as long as some particular medical needs (特殊医疗需求) can besimultaneously (adv. 与此同时地) met.

Body paragraph 1 (医疗保健应该免费原因)

Health care, as some argue, should not be a commodity (n. 商品) only for wealthy people; it should be a basic right for all individuals, no matter age, race, ethnicity(n. 民族), or gender. This means medical care must be provided to all citizens, and lack of affordability (n. 负担能力) should not become a problem. Society functions better when people with fewer economic resources can still be treated by a doctor. Referring to the insured (adj. 已投保的) and uninsured (adj. 未投保的) citizens in the United States, for example, the risk of death for uninsured women with adiagnosis (n. 诊断) of breast cancer (乳腺癌) is 30% to 50% greater than for those who are insured. Therefore, if there was a government-funded healthcare system, people would not have to worry about the possibility of not having insurance.

Body paragraph 2 (不应该免费原因)

However, opponents (n. 反对者) think free healthcare is not realistic (adj. 现实的;实际的) and individuals should bear (vt. 承担) medical costs for themselves. First, themotivation of profit (利润驱使), competition, and individual ingenuity (个人的聪明才智) have always led to greater cost control and largely more effectivepharmaceutical (adj. 制药的) and medical-device (医疗设备) firms. Free healthcare would result in fewer incentives to innovate (创新的激励), as there is no room tomaximize profit (利润最大化空间) and this therefore slows down the research process for new medicine. Second, patients, even those with high-deductible insurance plans (高免赔额保险计划), pay for only a fraction of (一小部分) the cost of healthcare. Doctors who prescribe (vt. 开处方) healthcare do not typically faceprice-sensitive (adj. 对价格敏感的) customers. Neither have the vaguest (adj. 模糊的;不明确的) idea of the true cost of providing healthcare. Where there are no prices and no understanding of the actual cost of services, there can be no market.


Body paragraph 3 (自己的观点)

For me, tempting (adj. 诱人的) as free health care may seem, we should not be fooled by the option of allowing the government to provide universal health care. This health care plan does not truly support the needs of patients because it focuses on the public in general, versus (prep. 与…相对) the needs of each individual citizen. Additionally, "free" healthcare is not free but contains anenormous cost (巨大的成本) since people must pay for it with taxes; expenses for health care would have to be paid for with higher taxes or spending cuts in other areas such as defence (n. 国防), education, etc.

Conclusion (总结两方观点+强化自身观点)

To conclude, in the debate over free health care, I think the basic question – whether people should have free basic health care and/or transfer payments for particular diseases – must be answered first. I believe in civilized (adj. 文明的) countries heath care should be available according to need rather than the ability to pay.

(474 words)




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