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雅思写作教育类高分范文 | 学校是否应该对学生进行品行教育

2016年06月12日10:13 来源:互联网
参与(3) 阅读(14231)
摘要:本文为大家带来雅思写作高分范文,真题是Schools should teach children good behavior and introduce ideas of 'right' and 'wrong'. It should not let parents take all the responsibility. Do you agree or disagree?详情见文章。

Schools should teach children good behavior and introduce ideas of 'right' and 'wrong'. It should not let parents take all the responsibility. Do you agree or disagree?学校也应该对学生进行品行教育,这不仅仅只是家长的责任。你是否同意这个看法?

雅思写作教育类高分范文 | 学校是否应该对学生进行品行教育图1

In today's society children's behavior is influenced by many factors such as the Internet sources, school subjects and their parents' instructions. Although some people think that parents are responsible for their children behavior, there are still many persons who told the view that schools have more impacts on children's personality. I believe the latter opinion has higher value to me because of two reasons.

The main reason why it is not only parents' responsibility to introduce a good behavior to children is that teachers play a dynamic and versatile role on their students. For example, they can be the role of mentor, role model, motivator, and so on and so forth. A teacher knows well new methods of teaching provided by the school. For example, they show films with correct relationship between friends to cultivate communication skills.

In addition, these days children expend considerable amount of time at school, while parents always work hard and come home late in the evening; therefore, parents hardly have enough time to tell a story to their kids every night, let alone teach them all 'rights' and all 'wrongs'.

Nevertheless, there are some people who have this idea that parents should spend more time to teach their children their culture and cult since it's crucial to save culture and history of their own. Personally speaking, I do not have the same thought because with those vast kinds of communication children are exposed to different cultures spontaneously.

Taking everything into consideration, it is not merely parents' responsibility to teach children a good behavior. All people in the whole society are responsible to introduce a right behavior to children. It is not justified to leave this hard responsibility with parents only.




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