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2016年07月15日13:28 来源:互联网
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摘要:7月14日雅思大作文要求考生写关于“科技与艺术”的一篇作文,真题是:People still value artists in the age of advanced science and technology. What are the reasons? Are arts as important as science and technology?一起来看一篇范文.

People still value artists in the age of advanced science and technology. What are the reasons? Are arts as important as science and technology?





In the current digital era, there is a phenomenon that artists are still respected by the public. This essay may examine the reasons for it, and personally speaking, arts may not be less important than science and technology.

Initially, artists have made their painstaking efforts in their domains, which deserves respect from others. It is acknowledged that scientists may spend a lot of time and energy to develop their technological products. Similarly, it also takes musicians and painters a large amount of time and energy to compose a song or draw a satisfactory picture. Thus, having devoted to a specific career , artists should be respected as well.

Furthermore, artists may be gifted in expressing emotions while scientists may not be talented in it. It is common that a song could either bring joy and happiness to human beings or reflect people’s sadness under some conditions. Compared to arts, technology and science could provide individuals with convenience, but they may not illustrate emotions of human beings so vividly. Thus, the public still show their respect since some artistic product could echo their feelings.

From my own perspective, arts are as important as modern technology and science because of some unique functions. For most scientists, what they pursue may be a higher efficiency and accomplishing tasks in a shorter time. However, the existence of arts may allow people to enjoy their life in a slower pace. For example, spending a whole day on drawing a picture may be wasteful for some scientists, but painters could have a sense of achievement through such an activity. Thus, there is a need for emphasizing arts since arts could allow people to gain satisfaction as well.

In sum, individuals maintain their respect towards artists since artists devote themselves to careers they like and their product could demonstrate emotions of human beings better than technologies do. In my opinion, arts are also crucial for people could also obtain fulfillment through artistic activities.

(326 words)




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