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2016年11月22日16:02 来源:互联网
参与(2) 阅读(9014)

Task:Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crimes. Some people believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Sample answer:

With a rapid increase of crime, more citizens are scared of aggressive acts all over the world. As to whether more measures can be taken to stop crime, there is an endless debate. From my personal view, although more actions cannot fully guarantee the security of the whole society, it is not the reason for which people can surrender to violence.

Clearly, actions such as enacting more strict laws and legislation can effectively curb the frequency of crime. Fearing punishment is usually the mature of humans, so when they are informed of the consequence of committing crimes, they are more prone to stop doing anti-social acts. In addition, providing more education contributes to raise people’s safety awareness and consequently prevents crime. As the Internet prevails information about laws and legislation are more achievable, and thus there is a possibility that people are given more opportunities to learn how to distinguish right from wrong.

However, feasible measures are still not a panacea to the establishment of a completely safe society. If governments fail to guarantee a basic living standard for their citizens, crime rate will hardly be controlled. It is widely believed that a decent job and sufficient disposable income can reduce the possibility of committing socially unacceptable behaviour. The insecurity of society can also be attributed to the fact that it is less possible for governments to eradicate all factors leading to crime. Illegal drugs and alcohol are more accessible than before. People may have to commit crimes in order to get these items.

To conclude, reasonable actions including making severe policies and offering educations are of great help to control criminal events. However, they may still not be able to ensure a secure living environment for people if fundamental needs of materials cannot be fulfilled.

(296 words)




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