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2016年12月19日13:50 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(1) 阅读(7757)

Task:Some people think that the main benefits of international cooperation is protection of the environment, but others think that the main benefit is the world business. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



Sample answer:

Globalization increases connections between different nations. There remains some disagreement as to whether international cooperation is beneficial for the protection of environment or the boom of world business. I would discuss both views as follows.

On the one hand, admittedly, environment deterioration poses a threat to human beings living on the earth. It is common to see haze in megacities of developing countries, the extinction of rare species in the Amazon rainforest as well as the melt of glaciers in Arctic. Although authorities in those areas aim at tackling environmental issues, the adopted technology and scientific researches fail to meet the demand. Only when the first-rate scientists around the world devote themselves to inventing environmental-friendly facilities and international environmental protection organizations make coordinated efforts, will the destruction of ecosystem be diminished and natural resources be conserved. In addition, environmental laws enacted in United Nations General Assembly not only regulate the greenhouse gas emission of its member states but also highlight the obligation to preserve biodiversity.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that world economy does be boosted by commodity circulation among countries. For example, Chinese people can earn large number of foreign currencies by exporting agricultural products and purchase high-tech electronic devices imported from Japan or Germany via signing relevant trade contracts with business partners. Besides, the international organization such as World Trade Organization clears barriers and guarantees the liberalization of world business. It implements policies of enforcing wealthy countries to eliminate tariffs on items from poor countries and promotes multilateral trade negotiations.

As far as I am concerned, addressing environmental problems is the major benefit gained from co-operation between nations since they would share techniques and commit to keeping ecological balance in a certain area to ensure the healthy development of our planet. However, it seems that developed countries are deemed as the first beneficiaries of the world trade although international business has been stimulated.

(317 words)



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