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2017年02月13日11:39 来源:互联网
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Task:In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for being successful in life? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic?



Sample answer:

In modern society,ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for being successful in life? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic?

People's aspiration to success needs essential qualities such as ambition to guide them through the process towards their goals. This essay will analyze the importance of being ambitious.

Those who are fueled by ambition tend to set higher goals and make the sacrifices necessary to have the lives they have dreamed of almost always come out on top. With enthusiasm to their study or work, they are more self-motivated and self-disciplined than those who have less desire for success. When coming across difflculties, ambitious people are more likely to overcome the barriers with more courage and stronger determination, as they find no reason to quit or not to believe in themselves. Ambition separates the man putting up with unfulfilled from the man others finally look up to.

Society sometimes looks at heavy ambition as an undesirable thing because it might lead to greed or an addiction to power, but this is not the case at all. Ambitious people simply have the desire to escape mediocrity and they are not afraid to see where their ambition can take them. In a larger scale, humanity would not have thrived as a civilization has it not been for our natural ambition to survive in triumphant fashion. Ambition is what gives us a purpose in life and allows us to fight for what we believe in and it pushes society forward, both economically and socially.

To conclude,ambition is one of the most important characteristics, overriding many other qualities. However, We do need to make sure that the pursuit of success should never jeopardize others' interests.

(288 words)




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