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2016年1-4月雅思口语Part 1新题及参考答案汇总

2016年02月18日11:38 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(35) 阅读(60250)

年已过,学已上,改收拾收拾心情准备雅思了,同学们。特整理一下2016年1月至4月雅思口语Part1新题及一份参考答案,希望能给各位考生作参考。要提醒烤鸭们注意:有些问题可以归并地串联在一起的,即: 换汤不换药。不必大动干戈地把整个题库几百到题目背来背去,让自己不堪其重。注意:2017年5-8月的预测必考口语话题范文汇总也来了,点击可入...


2016年1-4月雅思口语Part 1新题及参考答案汇总图1


Topic 1 Computer

1.How often do you use your computer?

I use my computer every day, for browsing news, making purchase online, as well as for downloading learning apps.

2.What kinds of computers are popular in China?

I guess maybe office computers and laptops. For brand,I believe apple-brand computers take up the most market share among Chinese people.

3.Who taught you how to use a computer?

Actually I’m a self-taught computer learner, but I first learned computer with the help of my high school teacher Mr. Thompson,from Britain.

4.Do you think computers have changed your life a lot?

No doubt. Computers have largely facilitated our lifeas we don’t have to worry about abhorrent calculations, and online shopping as well as friend-making software have benefitted us quite a lot.

Topic 2 Park/Garden

1.Are public gardens very important in China?

I assume yes. Public gardens may help to purify the air as well as provide us with a good place to stroll in. After tiring work or study, we feel at ease in the garden with all kinds of flowers in the eyesight. Also the garden is a symbol of local “green-belts”.

2.Do you think there are enough public gardens in your hometown?

I guess yes, but there is no garden nearby my house. I wish there were more.

3.What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?

Well, I would say, they beautify the city and enhance tourism by attracting visitors. What’s more, they are often where couplesflirt.

4.Do gardens play the same role for old people and young people?

I don’t think so. Old people tend to walk in the garden to kill time or loneliness, while for young people, the garden is a cosy place for them to talk about love. Anyway, the garden is a nice place for all ages of people to relax and to read.

5.Do you think gardens have any value for children?

For children, the garden is a childhood memory cos when they grow up and recall the past, they at least share something in common that they experienced all together.

6.Which do you think is more important, public gardens or private gardens?

Public gardens, of course, since public gardens are well-constructed with various public facilities. A boisterous but good-natured crowd may have fun together.

Or: Private gardens of course, cos we grow plants anytime available to build up our own independent space.

Topic 3 Science

1.Do you like science?

I do, science is the pillar of economic development and it’s against superstition.

2.Are there many science museums in your hometown?

I guess yes, like the Beijing Science and Technology Museum.

3.Did you like science classes when you were young?

I did, although they were kind’a demanding for me. I learned the mysteries of the world through science classes.

4.Do you think school children should learn both art classes and science classes?

Well, that depends. It’s hard to say cos for students who have an extremely keen interest in a certain subject that they also excel at, I don’t think it’s necessary to learn both; but for those who don’t show a particular preference, maybe it’s better to integrate art classes with science classes.

Topic 4 Handcrafts

1.Do you like to collect things made by hand?

I do, like puppets

2.Did you ever take handcrafts lessons at school?

I remember I did, but only few, about paper-cut.

3.Are handcrafts popular in China?

Certainly. Handcrafts are the traditional Chinese culture as we often send handmade gifts to our friends as a custom, such as paper-cuts and embroidery.

4.Do you think children should learn more about handcrafts?

In China, yes. Making handcrafts may exercise children’s imagination and creativity since they are at the best age to learn new things.



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