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Describe an important job in your country.小站独家解析

You should say

What the job is
What people have this job
What the job requires
And explain why the job is important in your country.

Speaking of an important job, I think police officers are quite important in my country and in every country. It’s not easy to be a qualified policeman. It takes time. First of all, they need to be very brave, clever, agile and devoted. That’s about their personality. Besides, they have to be well-trained, they need to learn how to shoot, fight and analyze complex situations. They have to be brave enough to take risks. Most of them are very busy, sometimes they need to patrol on the street to see if there are something unusual happen. They also have to deal with different criminals and different situations, that’s the reason why they are required to be agile. All in all, they need to be all-round. This job is important because I believe that people cannot live without them, the police officers always put themselves in danger in order to ensure the safety of the people and the stability of the country. Without them, the whole society would definitely in chaos. So they’re an inevitable part for maintaining the social order and protecting people from danger. 


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