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Describe a paid job you ever did.Sample Answer 1

You should say

When did youdo this job?
What the jobwas?
Why you chose this job?

During my freshman year, except my course work I still have abundant time. So I decided to do some-part jobs to earn my tuition fee which is 6000 pounds per year. Honestly, it was really hard for me to find something to do at first because there were not many things for freshmen to do. What was fortune, I got a job in a cosmetic shop. I was allocated to clean the shelves which was a really dirty job. Because I was a green hand firstly, I got blamed by my senior manager when I took shifts four out of five times. I was so sad and crying every day when I was on my way back to my dorm. However, despite of sadness and tiredness, I insisted until the end. I wanted to release my parents’ burden so I didn’t want to ask them for living cost. In the last week of trail period, I spent less than 5 RMB per day. During this period, I did well and I got a precious chance to learn sales and stock. I have to admit that thanks to the experience of this job, I obtained a lot of valuable knowledge which I could not learn from university. Of course, I made so many friends who gave me so much professional help and courage. Although the salary of this job was not every high, the skills I learned were priceless. With the help of this working experience, I gain a precious offer from other famous companies when I graduated.

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