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Describe a TV program that you talk about with your family.小站独家解析

You should say

What the program is about
How often you watch or listen to this program
What type of people enjoy this program
And explain what you like or dislike about this program or why you talk with your friends or family about this TV or radio program

The TV program I sometimes talk about with my friends is a very popular entertainment show on Zhejiang Tunnel, which is called “Running Man”. The program have seven hosts, they play different kinds of games and finish every task in the show. Sometimes the program invites celebrities to join the seven hosts and finish tasks with them. The celebrities and hosts are separated into two or several teams to fight for the final prize. The show broadcasts every Friday evening and repeat on Saturday afternoon, but I often watch it on Friday evening together with my sister. Most young people like this program because they can see the celebrities they like in this show and the games in this show are really interesting and funny. Young people can get pleasure from this show. This program can always bring them joyfulness and help them to release the pressure after five days’ work. I am one of these young people. I often talk with my friends about this program because it’s really happy to recall the funniest moment of that show together. 


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