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Describe a good habit from friends that you want to develop.小站独家解析

You should say

What the good habit is
Who the person is
Why you want to learn
How to develop it

My friend, Lucia, has a good habit of reading for 2 hours every night before she goes to bed. These days, I am also thinking of developing the reading habit. When I was a child, my parents bought me a number of books on art, literature and history. At that time, I used to read books for 3 to 4 hours a day. I remember that I gained a lot of knowledge from these books. I could always find peace and happiness from reading. But now, I rarely read extra books after school, even on holidays. To develop this habit, I am determined to spend 2 hours on reading extra books every day and make some notes on what I have read. However, it’s somewhat difficult for me to insist on reading books every day. For one thing, I need to spend hours finishing my homework and preparing for my IELTS. Meanwhile, I hold the post of the leader in School Speech Club. Sometimes we need to organize different events or invite renowned scholars to make a lecture. Both the academic pressure and school work exhaust me. I am as busy as bees, and always feel anxious under the pressure. I hope I can develop this good habit and enjoy the happy moments that reading once provided me. 


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