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Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet.小站独家解析

You should say

What the ambition is
When you first had this ambition
What you have done to achieve it
And explain why you can’t achieve the ambition now.

I have a dream deep inside that one day I can travel around the world and visit all the fantastic places. I first had this ambition when I was at the first year of my college. I watched a documentary about the famous tourist attractions around the world. I learned from the documentary that the earth breeds the whole world population yet people know quite few about it. The documentary inspired me to see more about the world and learn it more deeply. From then on, I started to do something to achieve this ambition. The first and the most important thing I need to do is saving money. I have earned some money by doing part time jobs, but that’s way from enough, so I have to keep on making money. The second step is to make my travelling plans, including destinations, transportation and the cost. I have searched for many geographic books in our main library and learned some geographic knowledge in advance, which will be useful in planning my trip. Moreover, there will be less difficulties if I master a world language, which is the thing I’m doing now. Taking the IELTS is a good chance for me to practice my English and I’ve prepared a lot to get high scores. These are the three things I’ve done for my ambition. However, I can’t achieve my ambition now since I haven’t got enough money for that. But I will spend the rest of my life to make my dream come true. 


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