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A book you recently read.Sample Answer3

You should say

What book it was
When you read it
Why you read it
And explain what you liked and (possibly) disliked about the book.

If you let me describe a book which impresses me a lot, I would like to say The Count of Monte Cristo. I got that book as a present at my birthday from my mom. It was written by French author Alexander Dumas. About the content of the book, it tells readers a story about an adventure. The story happens in Europe before the historical events of the Hundred Days period over until the reign of king of France. The central themes of the story is adventure and vengeance. The protagonist, a sailor in Marseilles, was betrayed and framed by his friends. He broke jail and found a treasure in an island. Later on, He started his revenge from framing the bad guys and rewarding the good people who helped him before. Still more impressive: the character had a strong learning ability. Even when he was in a harsh condition, he could still insist studying. I also loved the intensive description of decorations. Gradually, I realize that the main point the author wanted to convey to the readers is the value of love. As identifiable as Harry Potter, The Count of Monte Cristo has become a symbol of Western civilization's literature.

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