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Describe an interesting thing you have learned.Sample Answer1

You should say

How often you searched on it
What you have learned from the Internet
And explain why you thought it was interesting

Maybe it does not sound an interesting thing, but I learned how to cook from the internet which does serve as a steady source of joy for me.

Two years ago, I gravitated online towards a Japanese TV drama called Deep Night Restaurant. It’s a cozy homely place without any menu, the only chef will try his best to cater to every customer’s order. Every episode is about a storied person with a specific and special dish, the whole plot is unraveled alongside the preparation of the dish. The voice of the narrator is warm and deep, and the cuisine is every one’s memory of their mother and their past. I am not the family type guy, but I can’t helpgoing to the kitchen to do some cooking myself.

The greatness of the internet is that you can find the people with similar interest. Soon after the drama hit the internet, a huge fan base formed, and we had our online community to share anything about the drama nearly every day, in which the cuisine is the heated topic. Some smart guys with a lot of kitchen knowledge do a lot of homework and share his optimal recipe for every dish. It’s full of fun, friendship and lovefor life in the community. You learn how to love your life along with how to cook some heartfelt dishes.

There’s a slogan in our community I want to share with you: only love and fine cuisine can’t you fail.

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