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Describe an interesting thing you have learned.Sample Answer2

You should say

How often you searched on it
What you have learned from the Internet
And explain why you thought it was interesting

I gained weight since I went to college because the food I consume(吃,eat)now is not as healthy as what I used to have at home, which is really catastrophic(灾难性的,disastrous)for a dancer. A month ago, I finally made up my mind to set up a fitness regime to get back on the right track again. I need some resources, like videos regarding(关于,about)yoga, belly and Latin dance. Thus, I’ve been searching for some useful material on internet hoping I can simply just learn from internet instead of going to the real gym which I think is pretty time-consuming and expensive. I found that Zheng Duoyan, a celebrated(知名的,famous)Korean woman, had recorded many types of exercise moves. She claimed that her fitness regime was tailor made(量身定做) for(为了,aimed at)the Asians because the Europe one is still a bit too much for Asian. I downloaded several videos of her and tried to followher move in the video. The effect was marvelous, I lost 5 kilos in only 1 month.Now, searching for her newly-updated videos became a part of my daily routine.I think learning how to exercise from the Internet is not only convenient but also interesting because the highlight of the Internet is that it keeps us up with the latest step of trend. The learning progress is no longer dull or hidebound(陈腐的)and I suppose this does not only fit in fitness but also other programs. Internet really contributes a lot in building up my interest in exercising by providing me with different methods from the traditional ways, like running or swimming. Anyway, interest is the best teacher.

Describe a small successful company.Sample Answer 1
Describe a paid job you ever did.Sample Answer 1
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Describe something that surprised you.Sample Answer 1