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Describe a project you do as part of your studies.Sample Answer3

You should say

What the project or work was
When you did this
Who was with you
How easy or difficult it was
And explain how you felt afterwards

What a coincidence that I was just be a part of fantastic project. Last summer I went to Hong Kong for a summer program, which is about ‘creative industry’. At the end of the ten-day journey, we five as a team need to hand in a report.

On the first day, Monica, Rachel, Scott and Mark and I formed the team and get down to the work together. Mark was a cheerful guy from the Netherlands, while we four came from mainland.

We didn’t know each other before and we chose Monica to be our team leader because she seemed to have some experience in mock marketing.

Our job was about designing an original product never seen in the market, describing it and persuading others that it was worth buying. We didn’t need to make an real product, just ideas.

The first five days, we do lots of brainwashing and arguments, Most of the time, some of us bring about a good idea, but after some discussing soon it shortcoming was pointed out The good thing was, the more we discussed, the closer we got to the final stuff we want to sell. Finally we made an awesome product which all of us had a strong desire to buy. On the last three days, we started our paper work. Monica wrote the thought map of the ieda, Rachel and I were in charge of designing product’s exterior and usage, as well as Scott and Mark making an effort on the sales scheme. It sold well during the judges and we snatch a high scores. All of us went out to a bar for a celebration.

A team is always a good place to bring out the best of every member and listening is the great beginning of every successful communication.

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