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Describe something you want to learn but can’t now.Sample Answer1

You should say

What it is
Why you will learn it
How you will learn it
And explain why you cannot learn it now

I want to learn to cook some special dishes but I don’t have enough time to do it.

One year ago, I gravitated towards a Japanese TV drama called Deep Night Restaurant. It’s a cozy homely place without any menu, the only chef will try his best to cater to every customer’s order. Every episode is about a storied person with a specific and special dish, the whole plot is unraveled alongside the preparation of the dish. The voice of the narrator is warm and deep, and the cuisine is every one’s memory of their mother and their past. I am not the family type guy, but I can’t help going to the kitchen to do some cooking myself. Unsurprisingly, it really tasted bad.

The greatness of the internet is that you can find the people with similar interest. Soon after the drama hit the internet, a huge fan base formed, and we had our online community to share anything about the drama nearly every day, in which the cuisine is the heated topic. Some smart guys with a lot of kitchen knowledge do a lot of homework and share his optimal recipe for every dish.Those detailed recipes with pictures and videos can be a great help if I want to truly got the command of some original gastronomy.

The problem is that I don’t have the enough time. I am currently in my fourth year at college and have lot of research work to do. Even I can squeeze some time from a tight schedule, I cannot find a suitable place to have a deep and long practice of all the cooking skills I need. So I will suppress my gourmet urge a bit longer, and when I graduate and land a job, I will invest all my available time to my passion for fine cuisine.

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