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Describe something you want to learn but can’t now.Sample Answer2

You should say

What it is
Why you will learn it
How you will learn it
And explain why you cannot learn it now

There is one thing that I always want to learn, surfing. Since the first time that I saw someone surfing on the sports channel, I was fascinated in it. I can tell that I have been at least dreamt about me surfing for a hundred times. I think compared to other water activities, surfing is the most interesting one. First, if you area good surfer, you will definitely get the closest touch with waves and sea.You know, it’s just like flying in the sea, you will feel the passion and motion. Secondly, the surfing board could be the fastest manual tool that help you to run in the sea. Thirdly, surfing is of danger, but it’s also the reason why so many people like it because it’s a good way to challenge yourself. It’s really frustrating (令人沮丧的)that I don’t have the chance to learn it. The closest beach is around 300 miles away from the city I lived in so it’s inconvenient for me to learn. What’s more, surfing is unpopular in China. It'd be hard for me to find a reliable teacher. Last but not the least, surfing is a certain kind of sport that require superb body condition and physical ability, if you are too weak, you will easily get injured and you won’t fell 100% involved init. As the proverb goes, Rome was not built in one day(凡事不可能一蹴而就all great works take time to finish ... ).Even keeping balance on a surfboard could be a headache task for me. Therefore I need firstly live nearby the seaside and have a fixed time to practice surfing. However, as a poor student I can deliver none of these two now. Although I cannot learn it now, I am still not giving up on it. I’ve already set up an explicit plan for my surfing dream. Well, everything starts from money saving and body building. I believe in the near future, I will eventually grab my surfing board and stand over the sea! 

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