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Describe something you want to learn but can’t now.Sample Answer3

You should say

What it is
Why you will learn it
How you will learn it
And explain why you cannot learn it now

On the top of my list of to-do things is programming.

I can feel the magic in programming when I use computers, mobile phones, and other electronic gadgets. They are supposed to be mindless and emotionless machines, but they are brought to life by the magical touch of programmers. They are now smart and called artificial intelligence, behaving like the most considerate helpers when you want to learn or have some fun. The programming is like the soul of the machine. 

But I am a terrible language learner, at least that’s how my English teacher and my exam scores tell me. And I believe the current programming languages, JAVA or .net is even harder than English, since the latter can be learnt in a joyful way like watching movies and fascinating novels while the former is more like cold and lifeless alien signs. Your know all the letters, signs and numbers can be many people’s nightmares if you have to live with it everyday. The worse is, programming necessitate a good command of English language. So it’s a double damage. Like a curse on me, I met a hacker and his ability to make a difference to the world totally flattened me. I want to be a hacker, so I need to be a programming master. Just that simple.

I have made a plan for leaving learning programming in the holidays. I can’t learn it now because my major doesn’t have nothing to do with programming, and these days I have to pay a lot of energy and time on my major rather than programming. So the holidays will provide me enough time with getting things rolling to start. First, I will start on buying and borrowing some books related to programming. Next, after a clear image of the whole frame of programming is built, I will put my knowledge into actual practice on my computer. If I meet some problems, I will ask my classmates, whose major is computer or related to programming, explain in more detail. This progress will take me around three weeks. Once I grasp the basic knowledge, I believe I can learn it in any free time. With my love of programming, I hope I can stick to the plan.

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