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Describe something you want to learn but can’t now.Sample Answer4

You should say

What it is
Why you will learn it
How you will learn it
And explain why you cannot learn it now

Recently, some people have earned a lot of money in the stock market, therefore, more and more people show interest to the stock market. Playing the stock market has become the top choice of most people in all the investment products. I also envy those who plays stocks for a living and earn a lot of money. It seems that they just sit in front of the computer and click the mouse to make more than thousands of yuan. So I also want to be like them and learn how to play the stock market to have extra income. But you know, there is high risk in the stock market. One can make money as well as lose money. I’ve heard that some friends of my father have lost a lot of money in the stock market. Considering of the risk, I haven’t made up my mind to attend the stock market. Besides, as a student, I have to rely on my parents’ income and don’t have extra income to practice in the real market. Moreover, I don’t have any experience so I need someone who are experienced to teach me, otherwise I would not understand the how to analyze the stock market. Although I am not able to do it now, I’ve already had a plan. I would learn it as soon as I earn enough money. I would also ask someone with experience for help. No pain, no gain, so even if there is high risk, I will not give up my dream.

Describe a small successful company.Sample Answer 1
Describe a paid job you ever did.Sample Answer 1
Describe something that you want to learn more.Sample Answer 1
Describe something that surprised you.Sample Answer 1