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Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet.Sample Answer1

You should say

What the ambition is
When you first had this ambition
What you have done to achieve it
And explain why you can’t achieve the ambition now.

I had an ambition to be a translator of religious books, translating some wonderful religious books from English to Chinese, so that my mother and other brothers and sisters can read it.

I am not born into a Christian family, and it is quite unusual for a Chinese family to convert to Christianity since Buddhism is the mainstream religion. My mother converted 4 years ago and I 3 years ago because of her, and since then she is quite pious, spending a lot time reading bible and other stuff. She does have a good faith but not a good understanding. Part of cause is that I feel large chunks of books about Christianity aren’t so understandable to a retired lady without background culture-related knowledge of it. So at the Chinese New Year in 2014, after have some serious talk about our religious life, I got this idea of translating some very good books for her about Christianity like My Name Is Judas or Everyone Is Christ.

May be I know them, but I have not yet get a good enough command of both English language and Christianity knowledge to realize my idea. I learn English every day and read English bible every day. Imemorise and I pray. And still that is not enough and I am not good enough. I tried to translate some verses, but they are mostly a piece of shit. The killer problem is the unique bible-like wording in Chinese religious books. It is quite different from our secular one and very difficult to mimic. So I still need to immerse myself into god’s words more and deep before I can really write something worth a read.

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