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Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet.Sample Answer2

You should say

What the ambition is
When you first had this ambition
What you have done to achieve it
And explain why you can’t achieve the ambition now.

When I first saw my cousin doing programming, I decided to list learning programming as the top of my ambitions that I haven’t achieved yet. In my opinion, programming is complex but really fun. Humans invented computers and use letters, symbols and numbers to instruct what humans want them to do. Those letters, symbols and numbers are organized in various ways which makes programming rather complicated. The programmer has to remember so many codes correctly and try not to make mistakes. It sounds a great challenge for me, but I will try hard to face it. With a mysterious veil, programming attracted me to uncover it. Although I am eager (渴望)to learn it, I don’t have enough time now since I have to devote my time and energy to my major rather than programming. I have made a plan for leaving it to the holidays. First, I will begin on buying and borrowing some books about programming. Then after a clear image of the whole frame of programming is built, I will put into actual practice on my computer. If I have some problems, I will ask my cousin who is ace at the programming for help. I may spend about three weeks on this stage. Once I have the basic knowledge of it, I believe I can learn it in any free time.

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