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Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet.Sample Answer3

You should say

What the ambition is
When you first had this ambition
What you have done to achieve it
And explain why you can’t achieve the ambition now.

Since the first time I saw surfing on TV, I was soon attracted by this kind of extreme sport (极限运动)and I thought it’s the coolest and the most thrilled(刺激的)sport in the world. For a person who grew up inland, the sea is covered by a mysterious veil(神秘的面纱). Surfing is the most direct way to get connections with sea. When you’re surfing on the sea, you will feel that you’re conquering the waves. Moreover, the feeling of surfing in the waves is like flying in the sky, which makes people feel free. Although I have made up my mind to learn surfing, I still don’t get the opportunity to learn. You know, the closest beach is quite far away from the city I lived in and it’s not convenient to me to practice. Besides, unlike some western countries, surfing is not that popular in China, so it’s not easy to find an experienced coach to teach me.What’s more, it takes time and energy to learn surfing. Good physical conditions and repetitive practice are required if one wants to learn surfing. After all, Rome was not built in a day. So if I want to learn surfing, I must live somewhere near the sea. But it’s unrealistic for me now since I am still a student and I can’t afford a house by the seaside. Although I cannot learn it now, I won’t give up my dream. The things I can do now is saving more money and doing exercise to keep fit. I hope that after I graduate from college, I would have a chance to take a trip to a coastal city and make my dream come true.

Describe a small successful company.Sample Answer 1
Describe a paid job you ever did.Sample Answer 1
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