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Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet.Sample Answer4

You should say

What the ambition is
When you first had this ambition
What you have done to achieve it
And explain why you can’t achieve the ambition now.

I have been dreamed of playing the stock market and making a lot of money. In recent years, people around me have shown more interest in the field of investment and financial management. Among all the investment products, playing the stock market has been the top choice of most people. That is because stock always has a high-return rate, and the operation of buying and selling is quite simple. It is not uncommon that someone hits a stock jackpot (在股市赚了很多钱).For me, I really admire and appreciate people who play stocks for a living and make a lot of money. They just sit in front of the computer and move a few fingers to earn more than thousands of pounds.  So I said to myself that one day I will be a famous and successful stock broker one day.5 years ago, I officially started to learn about stock market. In the very preliminarystage, I read many books about Warren Buffet and Peter Lych, whose books hadhelped me a lot both practically and psychologically. After I have acquired some basic knowledge about the stock market, my dad funded me of some money to do some really stock transaction and that was how everything began. After a period of time that I simply just observe the market, I did my very first transaction in the third month and it turned out to be a wonderful choice. Imade 20 percent of the profit and successfully sell it out with a nice price.But life was not always a bed of roses. Sometimes you’re up, sometime you’redown. After the successful start with the stocks, I met a lot of bad situationlater. The first 3 years of my stock transactions was not even towards asuccess. My return rate was trivial and most of the time I was struggled at thebreak-even point. However, such investing experience was my only treasure, the next 2 years I followed a more sophisticated portfolio and started to make more profit. I have to say, even though I am doing a better job in the stock market,there’s still a long way down there. The path towards an all time winner is thorny and zig zag. It requires time and expertise. That’s way I can hardly say that I’ve achieved even a small part of my ambition. Well, we will see.

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