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A famous person you want to meet (not from your country) Sample Answer1

You should say

Who he/she is?
Why he/she is famous?
How you got to know him/her?
And explain the reason why you want to see him/her

Buffett is a successful businessman in investment. I became a big fan of him after I read his experience in his biograph(自传). What impressed me the most is his ability on security selection.Buffett was born in Omaha, when he was five years old, he began his business of selling chewing gum. He used to resell the golf balls he picked up on the golf course and rent his video game system to barbershop. When he was eleven years old, he began to do something with stocks. Since he has the experience in making money from the inexpensive items, he owns the ability to evaluate a firm and its stocks. He worked very hard and gradually became rich. His ability as well as his sober mind finally contributes to his success. The most famous event he did was that he predicted and avoided the financial crisis successfully. Before the crisis, everyone was happy about the prosperity and lost themselves in the bubble. But at that time, Buffett had already worried about the economic environment because he couldn’t find the companies which were underestimated. He is not only a clever and rich man, but also a kind man.He has donated(捐赠)85% of his wealth to five charity foundations. Because of this, he is also known as the man who is most worthy of respect in addition to fathers. He also gave his children some money which according to what he said, was enough to enable his children to do something but not so much that they do nothing. As a sponsor(捐助人), he has made great contribution to the whole society.

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