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A sport (you'd like to play or watch) Sample Answer2

You should say

What the sport is?
How you know about it?
Is it difficult?
And explain why you think it is exciting.

I didn’t know the concept of “extreme sport” until I was in my senior high school. One day, I watched a sports program on TV and I saw an athlete surfing on the sea near Australia. I was totally shocked by this brave athlete. I think this kind of extreme sport offers a good chance for these brave people to show their bravery and strength. Moreover, overcoming the challenges gives them an overwhelming sense of achievement. As a result, I become interested in it and plan to learn it. The first thing I need to do is to find an experienced coach to teach me how to surf. You know, extreme sports like surfing on the sea are normally dangerous, even a minimum mistake would cause accident. So it’s essential to acquire basic skills of surfing and the experienced coach will tell you how to avoid danger. I also have to prepare a lot for learning it. The first thing I should do is overcome the mental stress as well as physical quality. Besides, I should learn how to deal with the emergency. But it is because of those “difficult” factors that make it exciting and make me a big fan for surfing, as well as other exciting sports.

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