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Describe a handmade gift you gave to your friends.Sample Answer1

You should say

What the gift was
When you gave it
How you made it by hand
And explain why you gave a handmade gift to your friends or relatives

It was my eighteen birthday last Saturday and my family was so happy since I was coming of age(成年). Plus, I had been accepted by Shanghai University, which was the icing on the cake. So my parents held a party to celebrate it. My parents planned to invite our friends and relatives to the party and share our happiness with them. For the eighteen years, my parents have protected me from any harm and offered me everything they can afford. I felt so grateful for what they had done for me, so I planned to send them a gift to express my gratitude.Since I was still a student, I didn’t have any money to buy them expensive gift. So I thought a photo album made by hand would be a good choice to show my gratitude. First, I picked some photos and pasted them on the several pieces of colored card. Then I improvised some painting around the photos. Second, I made it into a book by using a bookbinding machine. After that, I added a cover with some shells on it. I spent almost two hours on it and after I finished it, I felt so proud of myself. I gave this handmade gift to my parents on my birthday party and they felt so surprised. They hugged me tightly and said that they didn’t expect that. I was also excited that they liked this gift and I was able to express my gratitude to them through it.

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