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Describe a handmade gift you gave to your friends.Sample Answer4

You should say

What the gift was
When you gave it
How you made it by hand
And explain why you gave a handmade gift to your friends or relatives

Once I made a handmade model of an AK-47 asa birthday present to my best friend, Tom. The reason why I made a model isthat Tom is absorbed in model weaponries and I was impressed that when I onceentered his room, I saw all kinds of tanks, machineguns, helicopters and allthat filled with his room. So this present of a sense of genuineness would bethe best choice for me to pick up and I was pretty sure that he would like itso much. Making a model as delicate as a gun from ground zero, however, is farbeyond me. Therefore, I decided to buy a set of unassembled and unpaintedcomponents to assemble them one by one. The day before his birthday, I spendwhole day following the instructions to make the gun. I painted the components,waited for them to dry out, and assemble them respectively. I need to admitthat it was a tough and challengeable task for me because in the whole processI needed to be careful all the time to ensure the fragile components not breakapart. However, it was worth doing when I saw the joy shining on his face aspresented this gift in front of him.

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