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Describe an occasion that you wait for someone.Sample Answer1

You should say

Who the person you wait for
When you wait for the person
Where you wait for the person
And explain why you waited for the person.

When I was still in the third grade of elementary school, our family moved to our new home far from my school. There was no direct bus between school and my new home. So my parents sent me to school and picked me up after school every day. My parents would finish their work as soon as possible in order to pick me up on time after school. At that time, there was some news about kidnapping(绑架)and I was also scared of that. My parents told me some tips like do not leave with strangers no matter the situation. One day, because of the terrible traffic jam, my father didn’t arrive on time although he had tried his best to drive fast. The sky was getting dark but I still could not see my father. I became worried and hopeless, so I started crying sadly. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel when every car passed by. It was a torture for child of my age to stay at school after sunset. I was so afraid of being taken away by strangers,so I planned to walk home although I might take me several hours to get home.At that moment, my father arrived at school. He found me and gave me a warm hug. I stopped crying in his arms. It was not an important thing in my childhood, but I won’t forget it and the warm hug which made me feel safe.

Describe a small successful company.Sample Answer 1
Describe a person who you think is fashion.Sample Answer 1
Describe a paid job you ever did.Sample Answer 1
Describe a change that will improve your local area.Sample Answer 1